
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Garage Sale Finds

I have been itching to do some decorating around the house, but that is not in the budget right now so I will watch as my sister decorates her new house.  Check out her new curtains from west elm and her new navy color scheme she painted behind her bookshelf.  It really transformed the room.  I love it!  She's getting ready to reveal her painted cabinets in the kitchen, I can't wait to see it all done.
David's parents live in a very nice neighborhood community with a ton of houses. They were having one of their semi-annual garage sales so we thought we'd take a look. We missed out a few great deals on deck lounge chairs (people were literally carrying them away as we walked up) and a few things we took too long to think about.  We did end up for some really great stuff though.  We purchased the adjustable classroom table and 2 chairs set for $25 from a lady who home schooled her kids.  She kept saying how nice the furniture was and that it would last forever and it's from a company in NY.  I really thought she was just trying to sell her stuff, but I looked it up and sure enough it's by Community Play Things and they manufacture quality furniture in the United States for a pretty penny.
The chairs alone go for $159 each and the table is around $250 new so I'd say we got a pretty good deal. Now of course I am dreaming of all the other super nice things I could put in Max's playroom eventually.  If only I had an unlimited supply of money.  The company mostly sells to daycare type places.
We also purchased all those safety locks and gear you see for $1, his little broom sweeper for $1 (he loves to help clean) and the baby gates for $10.
The gates are really nice quality and we're going to put the other one at the top of the stairs.  It definitely beats trying to climb over the gates we had in place there originally.  They are having another sale in a few weekends there (not sure why) but hopefully more people will participate and we can go back. The people who had kid items only had girls (seriously) so I wasn't able to get any clothes/toys for Max

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