
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Pinterest Party- This Weekend

This weekend I am hosting a pinterest party with some of my girl friends.  I am tired of pinning things and not creating anything I've pinned. We are going to have a little food and beverage and work on some projects.  Everyone is going to bring supplies for what they want to work on.  Here is an idea list I had for mine.
My first one is an easy one, but something I've been putting off for seriously forever.  Haven't you pinned a bunch of makeup tips for cleaning off your brushes. Well, so have I and I've never cleaned them (I tried just washing them but they got gunked together after that). This one uses just vinegar and hot/cold water. So although this one isn't craft, it's from pinterest and I'm going to do it!

My next one I thought I would take all my old Georgia Southern cheerleading shirts that are old and have holes in them and make t-shirt canvases. I also want to make one for Max's room from his 1st b-day party Wild Things shirt.  The caption from my pinterest says "because who has time to make a t-shirt quilt." True that. 
I want to have time for other craft projects, but I am still figuring out my embroidery machine so I will be doing that with the rest of my time. I am hoping my mom chooses to make these bar stool covers with some of my new fabric or
This beautiful upholstered ottoman from our old coffee table. Tutorial from Not So Newlywed McGees. What have you been wanting to make from Pinterest?


  1. What a great idea to get projects done and have fun!

  2. Not real crafty myself, but I like the shirt idea. I have some old shirts that have seen better days, but they have some sentimental value. Interesting idea.

  3. ok those seem great!! I would like to attend via FaceTime because I want to make my fabric letters or learn how to do my sewing machine and while I'm at it my makeup brushes could use a cleaning! I got invited to this type a thing before but I just can't leave Hadley and bringing her is more of a hassle.... one day!
