
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Precious Mother's Day Gifts

 My precious boy was a good little boy for his teachers at daycare aka my mom and sister last week.  He sat down at his table and drew mommy a picture for Mother's day!
And my sister took a picture, you can't get much better than that!
What a fine job he did :) I love it. They even put the date and Happy Mother's day on the front. It's a keeper! My sister also treated me to a much needed pedicure on Sunday and the boys made us yummy pancakes. 
 David's been working on a project for me and I had no clue what he was making. He ended up taking an old cabinet that was left in the basement and turning it into a sauce cabinet! It needs to be hung but it's awesome. The saying is an inside joke that I'll let you in on.  My grandma thinks that whenever anyone has a drink (glass of wine, beer, anything) that you are sauced. She has said that Chrissy is sauced on a few occasions (my brother is Chrissy boy). I love that David used that saying for the cabinet.
 He also lined the inside of the shelves with pretty paper! The inside doors are painted in chalkboard paint so we can label when the jars of sauce were made. I have a bunch to put in there (I like to conserve sauce, man I don't think Max has even had it yet! I better get on it). Canning time is in few months so we can stock up again! I am excited we have a basement to properly store the jars now, just like Grandma has.


  1. So cute! Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day! Love the "sauced" cabinet!

  2. Sweet, I'm ready to get sauced, we're all out so get crackin! :o)

  3. So awesome. Love the phrase that your grandma uses and that David thought to put that on the cabinet!
