
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Fathers Day Breakfast

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my older brother (yup, went there)!!!!! Can't wait to see ya in a few weeks. Max is ready to help blow out your birthday candles (well spit is more like it).
On Father's Day we made David a meal complete with blueberry pancakes, bacon, eggs and toast.  Although it looks like David is making it, he was just helping Max flip the pancakes.

Max helped wrap David's gifts and was eager to help him open them.

He first opened his Just Like Dad T-shirt for Max to wear for the day and a jar full of Reeces Pieces that had a tag that said Daddy We love you to Pieces (thanks Pinterest).

The best part was the homemade drawing Max colored on for David.  Thanks to Mom for supervising!
As Max was trying to eat the chocolates David opened up his brand new knife set!  They are stainless steel and very sharp!  I'm sure he would have loved a band saw instead (but we've been talking about getting new knives forever).
Max was not feeling well as you can tell so we had a relaxed day and David went to his family party at the pool.


  1. My husband's been asking for new knives too. How do you like those?

  2. Love the reeces pieces jar, too cute. Glad y'all had a great Father's Day, but hate Max was feeling so bad!
