
Thursday, June 6, 2013

June Goals

Let's take a look at June goals now that we are a few days into this lovely month before we reflect back on May. 
I think all of mine are pretty realistic this month and I didn't want to cram too much in like I did in previous months to enjoy the nice weather and playing with my buddy. Let's look back on  May shall we?
1. We have yet to start on house renovations, but we are working on plans for the new fence, walkway down to the backyard. We have an idea of an order of things so we are getting there.
2. We have been reading to Max a lot more at night as he is finally interested in more than eating the books.  He has done a great job with extra words this month. Some new additions are shoes, straw and he can point to a lot of his body parts (head, eyes, nose, ears, mouth, belly button, hands, feet).
3. NOPE again. I did start writing stuff down, but haven't completed anything.
4.SUCCESS. I have made memorial day/4th of July shirts for Hadley and Max and another thing I can't show you yet (if we're instagram friends then you saw it).
5. I am enjoying my reading. Am I fully on track with the correct days... no, but I am doing pretty good so yay!

I put this quote on my agent newsletter this week.  "You've got to get up each morning with determination if you're going to go to bed with satisfaction." -George Horace Lorimer  See you next month goals, let's get a move on!

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