
Friday, June 14, 2013

Max's #1 Daddio

Happy Father's Day to my Dad and my Dad in-law!
A big happy Father's day to my loving husband and Max's #1 Daddio (until we find the Dad who Max looks like lol).  Had to post this pic.  After a few weekend beers David likes to put on his boots and venture into the woods to the creek with Molly.  This is how he arrived back one day (with his swim suit on as well). We like to keep it classy as you can tell.
Max loves reading with his daddy.
Daddy likes napping with Max
And they both like to see how much trouble they can get into.  Like father like son. Can't wait to celebrate this weekend! 


  1. Happy Father's day David. Love the beer & boots picture. Hope y'all have a great weekend celebrating!

  2. Haha, great outfit. Happy Fathers day to all big daddios!
