
Friday, July 19, 2013

Five on Friday!

It's Friday and today I am linking up for 5 on Friday! You just post 5 things you love or things on your mind and link on up.

{one} Max loves helping his daddy study.  He is obsessed with cords and also ear buds. He knows exactly where they go and wants to listen to whatever you are.

{two} We are finally exploring fence options for the backyard.  There isn't a lot to fence in, but it's necessary for the kids and the dog.

{three} So thankful for all our customers who ordered these fun Christmas PJ's. I am getting anxious to get them in already (even though they aren't coming for a few months lol). Giveaway coming soon at our page!
{four} The Big 3-0 birthday is in less than 3 weeks! Not sure if I want to do anything special for it. 

{five} I have loved having Hadley here (and my sister) and we have one more full weekend with them. Going to squeeze her and love her lots!


  1. Love the picture of your Max with the ear buds. Cute!
    My daughter is about the same age and obsessed with the telephone (and makes everything into a phone).

  2. Enjoy the Hadley time for us, seems like she's been there for much longer than 2 weeks. Seems like a long time since we were there.

  3. What great picks for Five on Friday! Love the earbuds! Nothing better than daddy and baby shots!


  4. Love those pajamas for my littles. Bummed I missed the pre-order. When is the next time you will be ordering them?

    Have a great weekend.
