
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Meow Meow: Max Attempts to Make Kitty Noises

My sister's cat is staying with us for few weeks as they are off visiting James' family.  I thought Bella would be afraid of Max, but she welcomes anyone as long as they aren't Molly.  Max has seen kitties at my brother's house before, but never took a big interest. He just called them dogs and moved on.  Well this time was different.  He got SUPER excited and would smile, cling to me and want me to show him the kitty.  I videoed it a few days ago. I am holding him and taking the video so it's a little out of focus sometimes.  It's a must see though. The sound you hear him making is his attempt at meow meow.


  1. So fun, wonder what he would do seeing all 3 of ours at once! :o)

  2. So cute! Love his screech at the end.

  3. SO cute!! My little one LOVES all animals, especially our dog! She gets so excited :)

    Thanks for stopping by Julies blog for my breastfeeding story! It is definitely harder than most people make it seem!!
