
Monday, July 15, 2013

This weekend we...

This weekend we...
Had more rain.
Went to Chickfila for free food.  Here is our adorable little cow this year.
Went to IKEA.  Michelle purchased these bookshelves in the greige color.  I can't wait to see them in her office. I thought Max would nap in the car on the way down there, but turns out he didn't so he threw numerous tantrums at IKEA.  When we left we didn't even get out of the parking lot before he fell asleep with crackers in his hands and drooping out his mouth.
Got Max's 2nd haircut (it was still wet here).  He cried when he got in the chair alone so I had to sit down and have him on my lap (I loved it). We also did a little embroidery and played with baby Hadley all weekend. I just love having her here (and my sister of course).


  1. Max looks like he could be in Alice in Wonderland with that hat. So cute though.

  2. looks like some scary rain. Max is so cute and the haircut looks good.

  3. Love his hair cut- he looks so grown up!

  4. sounds like a great weekend! What a cutie dressed up like a cow!

  5. I can't believe he's already had 2 haircuts. I've been thinking about getting Mac's hair cut, but can't stand that he's old enough to get one. Plus, I'll miss those baby curls. Tell me it's ok...
