
Monday, August 19, 2013

Leah & Emery Visit & Kiddo Fun

David and I went to Dahlonega on Saturday/night and had a great time visiting the local vineyards. I'll post on that this week.
Last week we got to see Leah and Emery while they were in town.  They came over for a dinner and a quick visit. She's never seen our new house so I'm glad they were able to come. Kyle worked late so we missed seeing him. Emery is just a doll and plays so nicely. Max had issues sharing as usual, but hopefully one day he can be as good as her!
I showed you a few videos of Max hanging and swinging on everything. I captured a few photos of him doing it so you can see. 
Luckily Kinsley isn't that influenced by Max's crazy behavior. She is by far the calmer one. 
He is such a little show off. 
Picture from SNL "Look what I can do."
While I had my camera out I thought I'd show you a normal evening when I get home with Kinsley and Max. I told Max to give her a kiss (I told her to kiss Max), but it's definitely one sided. 
Here Kinsley looks like a zombie! 
I think Max got mad Kinsley stole a toy. You can see the fun they've already had in the living room. 
Finally playing like good little children :) 


  1. That zombie photo is hilarious as well as max swinging

  2. Haha, that Zombie one is hilarious...was she doing it on purpose or just caught her at the right moment?
