
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Long Weekend Fun

I took off  Thursday and Friday to make a really long weekend for myself.  David was supposed to go visit a project on our way to my sister's house, but he got stuck at work working on a big project.  We decided I should still go and David would meet me there. Max was pretty good and watched movies on the Ipad, dozed off for a bit, and we stopped at chickfila to break up our time.
I'll just share a few photos for now and I'll do a whole post once I get my photos out.  Max was super excited to see Auntie, Uncle, Hadley, Maddie and of course, Bella.
We ate yummy food, went to the splash park and played with Hadley.
We then headed down to the golf shores in Alabama Saturday morning to meet up with Darrin, Stacey and family for a few days at the beach. It was a lot of driving in that short amount of time, but we had a really good time. Hope you all had a great labor day weekend.

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