
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Weekend Happenings

We enjoyed our weekend hanging out with Hadley and crew. We had a rainy Saturday but still ventured out to Suwanee Days for a little bit. There were lots of arts and craft booths set up with yummy food.
Max had fun hanging out with his cousin.
David and I took Max to a doctor appointment on Friday and stopped at Jason's Deli for lunch.  Of course we had to get some ice cream.
He approved for the first few bites and then it got really cold and he gave it to me to eat. 
He loved starring at all the fun fish! 
We had a birthday party for Max's cousin, Kaleb and he kept seeing the big kids with their party blowers and he gave it a shot. 
It was a success and he loved it!
I made whole wheat chocolate chip pumpkin pancakes on Sunday to celebrate fall. 
The low part of the weekend started out with Gigi slipping on a toy and being carted around to 3 different doctors for x-rays and such friday. She got her cast yesterday and will be in this full arm cast for 2-3 weeks as they hope her wrist heals up a bit without needing surgery. Then she will put a smaller cast on hopefully. Thanks for all your thoughts, messages and prayers for Gigi. Thanks also to my sister, Daniel and crew for helping with Max and mom. 


  1. Those kids are too precious. Aunt Ginny I hope you recover quickly!!

  2. was there a drink involved before falling on the toy? lots of great adventures

  3. Sorry Amanda no drinks just a boring story this time. Imagine being taken out by a toy :(

  4. Oh no! So sorry to hear about what happened to your mom! :( Hope she is doing okay.
