
Monday, September 16, 2013

Weekend Odds & Ends

My sister, James and Hadley came to visit this weekend! We also get to keep Michelle and Hadley for the week.
Max always wants to do what Hadley does and my mom was helping Hadley walk so Max wanted "help" also. It was cute. We had fun doing a little shopping and running errands together all weekend. They don't have a target or many other stores where they live so we went to the mall and such. 
David said he was going to go up and nap with Max and this is how I found them. Not exactly sleeping, but he seemed to enjoy it in there. 
While at the mall I decided it was time to get Max another haircut. We went to JC Pennys and we had really great luck with Sun who cut Max's hair. Max was well beyond his nap time (I thought he would nap in stroller, but didn't) so he sat on my lap for the haircut and was almost sleeping through it. 
After shot. Such a handsome boy. 
Hadley got new kicks when we were at the mall and she looked so darn cute in them. Max opted for no shoes while shopping around at Sams. It was fun putting them in the shopping cart together. Hadley was a little overly friendly at times but they enjoyed it.  David made a comment on how Michelle does Maddie and Hadleys hair the exact same. I wish I had a photo of Maddie, because it's so true.
I have been super busy working on embroidery orders as well. I am trying to finish up football/halloween orders this week to make way for the Christmas PJ's that should be here in a few weeks. This is the Falcons shirt I made for Kinsley. Let's not talk about my rookie mistake on the first shirt I did for her... Let's just say I didn't make sure the arm sleeves were out of the way before I kept embroidering. 
These are 2 Halloween treat bags for Matthew and Mikayla with the mummy design on them.
Linsey sent us the most adorable photo of Ella in her diaper covers for her 1st birthday shoot. I mean, you can't get cuter than this!! Such a fantastic photo.
 We also scored these awesome tables from Dana (who works at Delias at the mall). They weren't going to use them anymore at their store so she thought we could use them. I'm so glad she thought of us as I'm SO excited to use them, possibly in the new craft room to be.
They are very sturdy, well built tables. I am loving the design on them and not even sure I want to paint them or anything. I'm digging the look as is. 
Cool right?
We also picked up these bar stools (there are 4 total) for free from someone who was getting rid of them. They have a bit of mold on them as they were stored in a basement that doesn't have a dehumidifier but definitely salvageable. Free stuff gravitates to us lol I don't know what to say, just open up your minds and don't be in a rush to find things?