
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Max has let us know numerous times that he doesn't want to wear his penguin costume. He flat out says no and moves on. 
Well we borrowed a friends penguin and flamingo costume thinking if we dressed up like him that he would go for it. Nope, he was more nervous that we were wearing them. This pic was just practice, I wouldn't wear that shirt although it's clear a shirt is necessary. We've been practicing trick or treat and putting candy in his bag. He likes to reach in and put the candy in himself. Looks like he will be a Skelton tonight as I think that's all we will get on him. Maybe next year he can choose his own! 
Don't you love what my mom made for our door? 

Boo! As Max says now. Have a great Halloween night. Hope your weather holds out as poor Hadley will have real bad storms for her first treating experience. 


  1. Have fun trick or treating and hope you have good weather!

  2. Oh gosh, that flamingo outfit is too perfect!!
    xo TJ

  3. Love his little skeleton costume! Hopefully next year, he'll be into it more! Hope you had fun trick or treating.
