
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Latest Happenings

If you follow me on instagram (jens871) then you've probably seen most of these, but Max has been a busy boy with birthday parties lately.
 Last week was very much fall weather and this week it's definitely winter weather. Max had fun playing in the leaves with his neighbor friends one afternoon.
His BFF next door gave him some really nice outer wear and clothes that he has out grown. I just love this warm vest.  Yes, I realize Max needs some new shoes as crocs just don't cut it in the fall/winter although I know a few people who would disagree (you know who you are). 
We went for a hayride at our nephew Ian's 8th birthday party. It was a bit cold for the ride, but all the kids really enjoyed it. Gina's neighbors must have either thought we were all crazy or really smart to be drinking and enjoying a nice hay ride through the neighborhood. 
I made this yummy sandwich of hummus, avocado and roasted tomatoes for lunch this weekend. It's a bit time consuming waiting on the tomatoes to roast, but it was very yummy and filling. Recipe is on my pinterest under plant based foods. 
Max went to Eiden's 2nd birthday party Sunday and had a great time at an indoor bouncy place. I always thought he was too young to go to one of these places, but he had a blast. I would venture to say, the best time out of any kid. They had specific areas for kids under 3, which most of the time people abided by, I did get annoyed when bigger kids would come because it would get dangerous with all them bouncing around Max.  He would run up to those punching bag looking people and wave and say HI, it was funny.
He seriously had a blast, just look at his face. 
There was this slide area in between the small kid area and bigger kid area that Max followed some kids into and they had steps that led up to this slide and I was unsure that he should/could go on it. Well, he started slowly up the steps and kept climbing. If I could have taken my shoes off and easily gotten in there with out all the parents thinking I'm kookoo I would have went with him or tried to stop him (yup, way over protective mother here). He made it to the top and I was nervous he would face plant, but he came ZOOMING down. You can see how fast he was going in this picture. He was so excited though and went down so many times. Such a big boy, I'm glad I didn't stop him.
Max and the birthday boy in his shirt that I made him. It came out really cute.

Here is a video of him sliding down the big boy slide. He by accident flipped to his stomach, but it was cute. Love this little boy who is now 21 months old. Only 3 more months till he is 2! I better start thinking of his party theme.


  1. What a sweet little boy you have!!! Love these pictures!

  2. Don't think Max could be any cuter! You are a busy Mom, but all of it sounds like fun.

  3. I can't believe our little boys are this big! Look at him go!! Adorable!

  4. Lol he is so graceful sliding down that slide! And that picture of him in the leaves is the definition of happiness. So cute!
