
Monday, December 2, 2013

Thanksgiving Break

Long time no post! Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving holiday! We went to my sister's house in MS to celebrate Hadley's 1st birthday and Thanksgiving.
Max was a great little car rider and learned that he liked twizzlers.
We stopped at Chickfila for lunch and Max had a blast playing with tons of other kids that were there. He would follow them and mimic what they were saying. 
Our little turkeys wouldn't sit still and look for a photo so this is pretty much the best we could get. Their shirts came out cute.
Our Thanksgiving wouldn't be complete without James's fried tasty fried turkey! Thanks to Mom for making most all the delicious sides to go with our meal! 
Hadley found her birthday gifts right away under the tree. She went over to one and just started opening. The next thing we know she has her first baby doll open and ready to go! She got a matching dolly stroller, some books and pink big legos. Of course Max had to test everything out. 
Max found the wrapping paper rolls and had a roll fight with Uncle James. 
It was chilly the first few days we were there so Max was staying bundled and warm. David is just pretending to sleep (or was he?) while we watched a Christmas movie. 
My mom is out of town this week visiting her sisters so Michelle and James graciously offered to watch Max at their house while she was away. I miss him terribly, but love getting photos like these.
Silly kiddos. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving break. I am already counting down the days till Christmas when we all get to hang out again!


  1. Woot woot, can't wait for Christmas also, but it is really creeping up fast. It can slow down just a little bit so we have time to do some shopping.

  2. hey girl hey! thank you so much for reading my story over on julie's blog! i hope the underlying message is that no matter what you encounter in breastfeeding, be your biggest advocate. nobody cares about your health as much as you do. and…your body can take a good portion of trauma and still produce. however…sometimes it's just not in the cards…and i get that. anyway…i could go on and on…but just wanted to say thanks and i'm a new bloglovin' follower! :)
