
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

1st Day of Preschool

My little buddy started a 2 day a week preschool last week at a nearby church. It's only from 9:30am-1:30pm Tuesday and Thursday. 
The lighting in our house is so sunny in the morning so these pics didn't come out as good as I wanted. He was excited about his lunch box, but not so much about the school. Mom and I went in the first day to get him settled. He started playing and even said it was ok for us to leave and he was going to have fun. When we got to the hall we could hear the hysterical crying... I called a bit later and heard that he was still crying on and off, but the teacher was doing a lot of holding him.
The teacher wrote me an email that night saying that maybe I could send in a special toy or something for him to hold all day because he was clenched on to his lunch box all day. That is funny and sad all at the same time. We have sent him with his little monkey stuffed animal and he doesn't put it down.
I heard he cried again at drop off today. I see this going on for a few more weeks, but hopefully it will get better. The teacher just keeps saying how smart he is, so he must be talking to her.  When we ask him if he had a good time, most the time he says yes and is OK with going back. Love my sweet little big boy!


  1. Awww. Poor little guy. I'm sure he'll get into the swing of things soon.

  2. Oh, this just broke my heart. Mac would probably be the same way. Hang in there mama, he'll adjust and before you know it he'll be begging to go to "school."
