
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Christmas 2013 Recap

I finally got around to uploading the Christmas photos. It seems like Christmas was forever ago, but I have to document Max's 2nd Christmas.
I require food as soon as I get up so Buddy was helping me eat some Pops cereal. I look fantastic and feel the same way in this photo.
Coordinating PJ's were worn by most everyone that morning.
Last year Hadley was too small to enjoy Christmas and she had a great time opening the wrapping paper.

Cutie pies opening gifts from Auntie Marla and Uncle Chris.
We had the train table covered with a blanket in the other room. Max disappeared for a minute and uncovered it himself. He started playing and was really excited.

It didn't take long for Hadley to join in and for Max to start climbing all over the table. We had to glue the pieces down because it became a scatter fest pretty quickly.
Max got a fun backpack from Auntie Shelly and crew and loves to put things in it and wear it.
Gigi got Max a Dyson vacuum to help clean. He loves it. It makes vacuum noises and even picks up little papers (not enough to really make a difference).
We decided to do a little kid craft and didn't want to make full on gingerbread houses so we found the idea on pinterest to decorate ice cream cones with frosting and put candy on to make trees! Love my face. Max wanted to lick and eat the craft project.
David got me a video camera because I was tired of the one on our nice real camera. It makes this auto focus noise that doesn't go away and I'm so annoyed when I use it. I am so glad we got to document Christmas and can use this so easily now.
Hard at work.
Hadley was unimpressed as you can tell.
And Max was hungry.
Official family photo time. James, Hadley and Michelle.
Auntie Marla, Hadley and Uncle Chris.
Max, Me, Shell and Hadley.
Pretty princess.
Mom and her grand babies.
Grandpa and Grandma W with Max.
We should have framed ourselves better and had some height adjustments but here is my side of the family.
Much better balance. David's parents came over for our Christmas feast. My work gave us giftcards to Honey baked ham so I was overjoyed to have a ham (I have been craving one). It did not disappoint.
Can't believe next year there will be another little one in our photo! So glad to have spent the holidays together.


  1. Looks like a great time! Miss your family. Love how Maddie has a ball too big for her in the photo with Chris and Marla :)

  2. Love all your pictures! So glad your fam was able to get together and celebrate with the kiddos!
