
Friday, January 24, 2014

Gender Reveal Baby #2 Party

I kept the gathering simple because I just didn't have enough time this go around. Max is ready to go!
We had to have a name suggestion bowl! The most popular name suggested was Maci. It was suggested 2 or 3 times or close variations.
We had to get the official tally of all the votes.
Here is mom looking so confident in her boy/blue attire.
We kept the party simple with my homemade chili, chips/salsa,  salad and desserts (from Sams).
I wanted to do a different reveal this year. I love how the guests can have a fun time with it. With the cupcakes, they all got to see what was in their cupcakes. With the silly string, they got to all spray us with silly string so I love the participation since we already knew. You really didn't have to cover the silly string, as it's neutral on the bottle, but the label that said silly string had pink in the background. All the colors of silly string had it, but I didn't want people to think girl automatically so we covered it in craft paper. I had plans on using ribbon on all of it, but that didn't happen. Dollar store has great silly string for $1 just an FYI.
Here is everyone I think watching the tv/google chat.
David is getting the tally from our online viewers. We had my dad/gma, cousin Karen, Bill & Christie, and my sister wanted to see all the reactions.
So it looks like an overwhelming amount of people were going for girl from the get-go! On the blog poll, girl pulled ahead right at the end! You guys are so smart!
Passing out the silly string. The kids were great at listening to directions and not spraying early, I was very nervous about that.
Darrin got it on video for us so that's fun to watch.
Here we go! My poor buddy got some in his mouth and got pretty confused. Pink EVERYWHERE!!
The aftermath!
So excited to be having a baby girl! Just a tip. Do it outside, on a tarp, on tile, etc. Had to steam clean my carpets (we have a big vacuum style cleaner) for about 2 hours the day after. I did not expect the silly string to be wet. We tested it the day before and it was dry as can be. Now our carpets are really clean so that was worth it, I guess! So fun. Thanks to all our family and close friends that could come so last minute!


  1. How fun! Poor Max being scared. He'll be a wonderful big brother.

  2. Fun times, what will you do for the next one? ;)
