
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Pregnancy #2 Survey: Week 16

Happy New Year! I'll post some goals and highlights of 2013 later, but I wanted to get back on track for weekly pregnancy surveys for baby # 2. 

How Far Along: 16 weeks

Size of baby:  Right now, he/she is about the size of an avocado: 4 1/2 inches long (head to rump) and 3 1/2 ounces. 

Total Weight Gain/Loss: About 3-5 lbs. I know that no one wants to hear this, but for my record I want to have it. I was under the weight I started with for Max's pregnancy so I am now just back to that number.

What I miss: Feeling good.... I hope the end of this all day sickness is coming sooooon.

Sleep: I am usually up about 2 times to go pee in the night. Once around 11:30/12 and then 4-5am.

Symptoms: Still just feel hungry/starving all the time. I seriously need an endless buffet of food available to me at all times. I'm starting to get my sciatic nerve pain in my back again. I think it's worse because of picking up Max all the time.

Cravings: I used my survey from last 16 weeks with Max and I was about to talk about the same pregnancy craving. I mentioned pasta milano from Macaroni grill. That's funny. I also love mexican, but no real big cravings.

Maternity Clothes- I busted out the bella band to keep my pants up, but not needing much of anything else. The jeans are still a bit baggy, but that could be because we stretched them out wearing them at the end of last pregnancy.

Best Moments this week: Spending time with family while they are/were still in town. I hate that the holidays are over, but it's a new year so that's kinda fun, too!

What we are looking forward to: Taking down holiday decor, organizing closets/papers, and getting back to normal. Of course Jan. 16th is a big day, but it seems far away right now.
Our camera broke temporarily so these are pretty bad quality Iphone pics because our lighting in our house is not good. 
David and I had a fancy dinner out for his work this past weekend and it was fun to dress up and get ready. 
Max was being a silly wiggly little thing as usual. 
Small baby bump. I promise to take better pics. Sorry baby #2!


  1. You look great! I hope you're feeling better. That first trimester is such a bitch. Take care of yourself! And give Max some snuggles for me!

  2. How cute are you?!! Congrats on baby 2!!
