
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Pregnancy #2 Survey- Week 21 & 22

How Far Along: 21 & 22 weeks. There really isn't a ton new so I'm probably going to start combining some of these. I'm actually 23 weeks today, so this is just flying by!

Size of baby: At the last doctor appointment baby girl was 1 lb 3 oz! 

Total Weight Gain: 7 ish lbs so far, this is definitely going to start picking up but I'm not worried about it.  

What I miss: The weather is getting warmer and I've been craving a lot of mexican. And you know what goes great with mexican food... Margaritas!! I'm so glad that I will be having this baby in the beginning of summer!

Sleep: I'm getting good at getting up a few times for the bathroom and going right back to sleep.

Symptoms: Feeling good this week, I've had a few times where I feel heartburn but it really just feels like my ribs are swollen in front and back. I can't even lay down because the pressure on it. The doctor said it was my ribs expanding, but I don't think that's it. It's definitely food/heartburn related. 

Cravings: Mexican. Have you guys been to the new Tin Lizzies at the MOG? I LOVE it there. They have the best specialty tacos and the guacamole is awesome. We went there for Valentines dinner.

Aversions: Nothing.

Gender- Baby Girl! Any name suggestions? I am so indecisive on these kinds of things. Just taking all the names I see around in and sorting through. Nothing is standing out at this point so nothing to report.

Movement: She is starting to get really lively in the belly. She moves a lot in the car when I drive and at night before bed. She is active all day really, but I just notice her more when I am sitting still I guess.

Maternity Clothes: Need to buy some work pants. I can barely pull my regular pants up around my bottom. Just holding them up with the bellaband, fully unbuttoned/zipped.

Best Moments this week: Starting to brainstorm nursery ideas and basement remodeling ideas!

What I'm looking forward to: I need to start tackling this to-do list of Max's baby books, pregnancy books and move forward to planning out Max's big boy room. Anyone have a good suggestion on reasonably priced big boy furniture? Going to go with the woodsy, where the wild things are room for him so going to do a darker wood twin bed. Beds/furniture are EXPENSIVE though, but I guess it will last a while.

Milestones: Have I mentioned that I have the best and sweetest neighbors ever?! Well, it's true. We are so lucky. Not only does my neighbor, Meredith give me clothes her little boy has outgrown for Max, she also gave me the prettiest nursery set (sheets, bumper, crib skirt, lamp shade and more) for baby girl that she has kept and most of it is unopened from pottery barn kids. I really haven't even thought about baby girl's nursery so this is perfect! I'll do a separate brainstorming and sharing post soon.
Here are some fun pics from the past few weeks. 21 weeks.
22 weeks!
Not sure where Max was to photobomb my photos, but I'm sure he'll make a return in the next photos.


  1. Woot, glad all is going well, minus the heartburn/food issues. How about Emilia Hadley for a name? ;)

  2. Yay! Glad to hear all is well. Your pregnancy sounds so much nicer than mine. Ugh. I still feel awful. I so wish I was craving Mexican, but the thought of food is just gross to me. This little girl is giving me a run for my money already!

  3. There is the belly!! I can totally see a little bump now. Sounds like you are doing great!
