
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Visit with Friends!

A few weeks ago (maybe 3) Leah came to town with Kyle while he had to work in Atlanta. We love when she tags along because we get to have dinner and hangout together.  David had a big work dinner so he wasn't able to join us. We went to Mexican, a fav of all of ours.
Lacey got to meet up with us also. It was so great catching up!
Not sure if ya'll know that Leah is pregnant with her 2nd baby... a BOY! She is due about 5 weeks before me. Max was clingy and wanted to photobomb this photo.
 Group shot!
 We asked Max if he wanted to take a picture with Emery and he said yes. He is normally really shy, but he really liked it. He kept talking about her on the way home. Now on instagram whenever we see a picture of her, he shouts EMERY! It's adorable!


  1. you sure stay busy. glad that you get to catch up with old friends quite often.

  2. We had so much fun seeing you! Em had such a great time too and talked about Max the whole way home. Love our catch up visits!!
