
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Pregnancy # 2 Survey: Weeks 34-37

How Far Along: 34-37 (yup, major slacker here) I think with the sickness and stomach bug there were a few weeks where I didn't even know how many weeks I was. 

Size of baby: Your baby is now considered "full term," even though your due date is about three weeks away. Scheduled C-section is June 13th. I can try for a VBAC if I go into labor on my own. I'll be 39 weeks and 3 days so let's hope she's early like Max was! Time to start guessing weights and days, maybe I'll get a poll going.

Total Weight Gain: 23/24 lbs. I am the same weight as I have been the past few weeks, I think because I lost my appetite with the stomach bug/other sicknesses. I was up about 4-5 lbs this point with Max last time.

Sleep: Still up to pee a few times a night (sometimes its almost 5 times), but sleeping pretty good with my pillows and falling right back to sleep.

Symptoms: Feeling pretty good still. She's starting to press on some nerves in the lower bladder region. I sometimes get shooting pains up the back of my leg region. Mostly at night.

Cravings: I am loving desserts

Movement: I think she's still head down. I feel feet in my upper right side and a butt middle left. I go to the doctor tomorrow for my checkup so hopefully they will know. So different this time as with Max we were constantly checking his breech position. We haven't seen baby girl since her 20 week ultrasound! She's moving so much in there I don't worry about her. 

**Update from 37 Week Doctor Appt** 
I was only measuring 34ish weeks when they did the tape measuring so they fit me in for an ultrasound. We haven't had one since 20 weeks so I was excited (hated that David was going to miss it). She is measuring just fine (I had this issue with Max at almost the same time so I knew not to worry).  She is measuring 37 weeks and 1 day and I am 37 weeks and 3 days so nothing to worry about. She is indeed head down, but facing up. They aren't concerned with that because about 90% of babies turn themselves during delivery. She's measuring right at 7lbs (or so they estimate). It was hard to see her face too much as she is straight up and down in there. Plenty of fluids and everything else looks good. Getting so close now!

Maternity Clothes: Yep, all the time. Dresses are easiest.

Best Moments this week: Getting baby girl's room painted, added all the molding (chair rail, crown molding, frames), custom closet and setting up the furniture.

What I'm looking forward to: Time is running out and I am in crazy list making mode to finish things up.

Milestones: This isn't baby girl related, but Max is doing so well with potty training. I have a separate post almost ready on this so I won't go into detail. This is a major check off our before baby girl  to do list. He's such a big boy and we are so proud. He's also doing so well at his swim lessons now.
To Do List: Need to pack our hospital go bags this weekend, nurse goody bags, finish decorating baby girl room, get last minute items for baby girl (ring sling, pacci, nursing pillow, etc..), thank you notes, finalize newborn photoshoot scheduling,  a few monogramming projects for baby girl and Max, put together swing, pack and play (changing station), car seat install, order photos from maternity/Max photoshoot, finish Max baby book (I know), give the house a good deep clean.
This is 37 weeks. Sorry, I don't have a lot of stuff from in between weeks.
Silly boy still going for my belly button.
Kisses for baby sister.
I think I'm smaller than I was with Max at this point. Could be the positioning of them since he was breech. She is definitely much lower than he was so not as much on top.

Looking at this very very dark picture, I guess I look the same. My face isn't as fat this time so that's good news lol.

1 comment:

  1. looking great! Can't wait to see her room completed.
