
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Family Maternity Shoot/Max's 2 Year Photos

I forgot to post the photos from our maternity shoot/ Max's 2 year photos. I figure I better get these up before we have newborn ones to post. Photos were taken by Lizzie Lemoine Photography. I think I was only about 33-34 weeks pregnant so not as big as last time, but I was fine with that.  Max was very slow to warm up and I wasn't sure we'd get any good shots so I am very pleased with them. Lizzie did a great job making Max feel comfortable. I have ordered some prints already for the house and can't wait to see the newborn pics she took a few weeks ago! 


  1. Love all of these! You look beautiful and Max is just too cute!

  2. These are great pictures! Looks like Max had fun :)

  3. Beautiful! Max has an amazing smile. What a sweet boy.

  4. Love love love!!! She did such a great job getting so many big toothy smiles out of him! I can't ever get Mac to smile like that and/or look anywhere close to the camera. Awesome pictures. He's a doll. And you look amazing and barely even pregnant!

  5. These are all SOOOO awesome. The ones of Max just melt my heart and I love your outfit & jewelry! Can't wait to see the newborn ones!
