
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

First Family Photos

 Max was not very thrilled to be at the hospital visiting us. He didn't really want anything to do with me, but could have been because of the whole surroundings. All he wanted to do was ride the "alligator" aka the elevator. So to take this photo was major bribery to ride the alligator. It did come out great though!
 Such a sweet boy. First kisses of many for baby Colette.
 Tired daddy and baby girl.
 Time to go home! 
 Max was VERY excited once we got home. He was the best big brother from the moment we walked in the door. 
 Showing off, no clue haha. 
Miss Molly greeting and taking a sniff of her baby sister. 
 Standing guard.
 First time holding her. 
So much love. It hasn't stopped either! 


  1. I don't blame Max for wanting to ride the "alligator" and see you later! Hospitals tend to smell funny and with all the tubes and stuff are kind of scary. Glad that he gives his little sister lots of kisses and is much happier at home!

  2. Love love love love. I'm nervous about Mac coming to the hospital to meet the baby. I'm sure he'll be more entertained by the surroundings and having his grandparents there than seeing the baby, but I hope he doesn't freak out seeing me in a hospital bed or anything. I'm really nervous about the whole thing. Glad to hear that he did great once you got home. Love the photos!

  3. Aww...great pics, buddo sure looks excited!
