
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Colette is 3 Months Old

Our sweet little Colette is 3 months old now! I'm late on posting, so let's pretend she isn't almost 4 months.
No stats this month because she doesn't go back to the doctor until 4 months, but I do know one thing. She is growing! Just look at her cheeks and rolls!
She is still a bobble head and is trying to gain better control over it.

Personality- She is all smiles and such an easy going baby. She rarely cries. Only when she is tired or hungry and it's not even bad. I have waited so long to say that!
She loves "talking" to you and cooing. She really reacts to your faces and voice. She follows you around the room with her eyes.
Who is the cutest baby ever? Oh, yes Colette you are right, it's you!
She has found her hands and just loves eating them and sucking on them. She found her thumb, but that might be the in between 3-4 month post as things I'm saying might be towards the latter since I'm posting late.
Just look at her face, I can't get enough. 

Eating- She is such a good eater, no question about that based on her figure. She is eating every 3 hours during the day. She has taken to a bottle nicely. We switched to the medium flow while I am at work and she gulps it down Gigi says. She is eating between 3-4 oz per feeding (depending on how much I can pump out). She eats around 6:30/7am, 9:30/10, 12:30, 3:30, 5:30/6, and 8:30pm.
Sleeping- She is going to bed around 8:30pm and on a great night is only up once around 2-3am. She did sleep until 5am a few times right around the 3 month mark. She is still napping in her swing, it's just easier. I know we have to migrate to crib napping, but with Max running all around it's easier to just have her down stairs. She is also busting out of her aden and anais swaddle blanket. I had to move to the miracle swaddle blanket where we basically pin down her arms. She loves it, but I know our swaddle days are almost over! She naps still about 4-5 times a day for about an hour each with longer ones twice a day.

Development- She has already learned to flip from back to tummy in between the 3-4 month mark! Such an over achiever she is. She is tolerating tummy time better, but she spits up a lot still if she just ate. She loves jingle toys and her play mat. She'll just kick her feet like crazy to the music/lights. She likes to just chill out and play.

She absolutely loves her bath. She gets one every night to keep with a routine and to lengthen her time awake before bed. She is just a happy camper in there. She likes to push her feet against the side of the tub and just froggy leg it like crazy. She makes all sorts of noises and is just adorable!

Other Randoms-
She is in honest company size 2 diapers
Size 3-6 month clothes
Her eye color is a mix between brown, green, hazel and gray at some points. Very interesting, def. not solid brown, but def. not blue (I mean where do our kids get these eye colors).
Month by month comparison. 


  1. She seriously can't get any cuter!! Just look at those giggles

  2. She's so cute! She reminds me a lot of Hadley.

  3. OMG I just found Max's twin!! Check this out

    They do look alike!
    Colette is really gorgeous, you have such beautiful kiddos

    ps love your blog!
