
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Jacksonville Beach Trip 2014

Back in August we took a weekend trip to visit my brother and sister in-law at their place on Jacksonville Beach.
It was the hottest days they've had all summer with temperatures approaching the 100 degree mark. There was absolutely no breeze. My sister gave us her beach tent to use for Colette, but with no breeze and no fan she was extremely uncomfortable. This is the only pic I have of her on the beach in her cute swim suit! She was a bit over 2 month old here. She is normally so go with the flow that we knew she couldn't stay when she got so fussy.
Luckily there were so many of us that we could rotate who stayed up at the condo with Colette and the others played all day with Max at the beach and the pool. Of course Colette had to wear everything flamingo!
Max had a BLAST at the beach. He finally loved the sand, the pool and even wanted to go in the ocean (when someone was holding him).
We also went to the museum one day to get out of the heat. Max loves to explore and touch everything!
We even got to stop by my friend Jessica and Jasons to visit with them and see their beautiful kiddos. Max had fun playing with Olivia. Poor Colette had a massive poop explosion and her mama didn't bring extra clothes, at least her diaper is cute.
Max's favorite part was jumping into the pool!
Gigi, Max and my brother enjoying the water. I just realized that Marla and me aren't in any photos, picture fail.
Not sure if Max is waving or what. We had lots of fun watching dolphins and some sharks from his balcony most mornings, too!
Max and his shadow!
I mean how adorable is he with his hat on?! I think he was trying to get the sea gulls to move from his spot.
In the mornings down the middle of the beach was a smaller water area that Max loved to play with. He enjoyed the beach toys Marla got for him and would dig and try to make sand castles.

He was seriously occupied for hours, he was at the perfect age. We just need our little gal to get a little bigger before they can both enjoy it.
We had a lot of fun watching Max at the beach, thanks for letting us stay Chris and Marla!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you all had fun! Great pics of Max with the beach toys! Can't wait till we are there for Halloween :)
