
Thursday, November 6, 2014

Halloween 2014 and Weekend Family Fun

I need to do a random update post, maybe tomorrow, but for now it's time to recap our crazy Halloween weekend! My brother and Marla came up for the long weekend and my Aunt and cousin came down from NY. I'm not even sure everyone knows that some of my cousins from NY that were in NC moved down to GA back in April/May. Luckily they had room for them to stay at their place since we already had my sister's gang at our house. Pic with everyone is further down in this post.
With so much going on I decided to take half day at work on Halloween. I rushed to the store to get some more food for our gatherings and when the kids woke up from naps it was a quick pumpkin carving extravaganza! 

All Max wanted to do was use his tools to carve and open it up. Once it was open he thought it was gross. He doesn't like mess. I got that spiderman set to stick in the pumpkin half off at Kroger so I thought that would do just fine for our last minute carving.
 Hadley wore her smock (eating cover) to get dirty.
She was pretty excited about the whole thing, too!
A few of our crew.
I wanted to look back at our Halloween and see how big Colette was so I threw her at my brother for some photos. It was such a big help having more hands so I could do a lot of cooking and they could pass Coco around (everyone has nicknamed Colette that). We made yummy mummy hotdogs and had appetizers for our early dinner. Of course we (Karen and Aunt Jan) made pumpkin rice krispy treats for our dessert. I was too busy to take pics of them. The weather was going to be taking a turn for very cold and we thought it was going to hold out for trick or treating but it got cold right during it all. So much wind! 
Next it was costume time! Max was spider man this year. He had expressed interest in being a robot or a super hero and I couldn't find a robot costume or have time to make one so I picked this one up at the store one day.  He then wore it that day for the rest of the afternoon. Any costume that he will actually wear is a winner in my book! He loved it. He was shooting his spider webs in this photo.
Colette was a kitty cat to match her cousin Hadley. She had to stay behind as it was getting really cold.
 Hadley decided our graveyard was the place to be and posed for her photos in there!

 More cousins! Kinsley came over to trick or treat with us. David borrowed our neighbors wagon and had the task of pulling them up and down the hilly streets. At this point they just wanted lollipops and to be pulled around.
After we got back I put Colette to bed and then brought Max over to his buddy Chase's house. They were all getting over sicknesses so we wanted to stop over since they didn't do a lot of trick or treating. Super heros! The guys had a bon fire outside. I went and made a few smores and called it a night. It started getting really windy and rainy so they had to put the fire out around 10.
Saturday we had the extended family in on my moms side so this is one of the whole group! It was very fun to catch up with everyone.
Family pic.
Colette got to meet her cousin Cole (Coleman) who is 6 weeks older than her. They live in Charlotte now so not too far. 
They were just so cute rolling and talking to each other on the floor. Colette is looking pretty serious here, but she was having a good time.
Here is a shot of all of cousin kids. It's all complicated as I'm actually 2nd cousins with all of them. Since my mom is the youngest it makes everything complicated, nevertheless it was fun having lots of extended family and cousins in town this past weekend!

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