
Thursday, December 18, 2014

November and December Latest Happenings

I guess I will be doing monthly updates for a while! It's a busy time between a baby who is still up at least twice a night, working all day and getting ready for the holidays. So I guess a monthly update is better than none. I do update probably every few days on instagram if you want to follow me there (Jens871).
Let's back it up to Thanksgiving. Michelle and James went to visit his family so we kept the tradition with doing a fried turkey.
 We actually had 2 turkeys (one in oven and one fried). The regular turkey was used as an appetizer as you can see, it's been picked over in this photo :).
 We had thanksgiving with my cousins and Bill's son Brian, Wife (Dayle) and daughter Amanda made the trip up from FL. It was so nice to see them. They had the great idea to take a photo in front of our neighbors very festive light display. Heather is even in on the photo from China.
We saw them a few days later for a bacon explosion breakfast (sausage wrapped in bacon and grilled for hours with bbq sauce) and as we were leaving they decided to wave to us in pageant style. 
Hadley always wants to hold baby Coco and she is making a silly face. Love cousins. 
Our elf, Chippy came back with a north pole breakfast! Max is pretty into him and finding him in the mornings. He understands very well that we are not to touch him. I found Max one morning saying "I want a shoot gun and a bow and arrow". I said I know buddy you've told me before and I look up and he is telling Chippy to pass the word to Santa. Silly (and smart) boy. 
Our tree finally got decorated with the help from everyone!
Hadley, Max and Colette got to meet the big man himself. I'll post Santa pics once my cards deliver to mailboxes. Let's just say there was only 1 child not crying!
Look at this pretty princess in her Christmas picture dress! It was the perfect size and she is just darling!
Max is so into fixing things all the time. He must have his head lamp and flash light to get the job done right though. Serious working face here.
We had our annual cookie exchange party this past weekend and we had to take a girl selfie! 
I chose Raspberry thumbprints (Michelle didn't want raspberry so mom made her some strawberry ones). I will do a separate post soon about the cookie party. It's always a great time and lots of yummy cookies for the holidays. 
Now ya see him, now ya don't! This crazy boy was jumping on my bed and when I snapped the picture it was funny to see him in action!
We went to see Disney Junior's Pirate & Princess adventure this weekend. They were at the perfect age because Max knows those shows very well and was looking forward to it. Colette did pretty well for a 6 month old. Only got antsy a few times (well and a poopy diaper change mid show). Max is not into characters of any sorts so he was a bit shy while meeting Jake. My friend, Windy is the best and set us up with a meet and greet. It was awesome. So glad we can do these fun things with the kids. I will be back after the weekend with Colettes overdue 6 month update!