
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Max's 3rd Birthday- Superhero Style

 Our first baby is now 3! Ever since going to the marvel live show he has been obsessed with everything superhero. We celebrated with a party with all his friends at a gymnastics gym. We don't take Max for classes there, but I've heard good things and knew I wanted to have it there. It gets out of hand having all these people at our house so it worked out well here. Except, we had a TON of people come. Hey, it's fun, the more the merrier.
I kept decorating simple by just using some scene setters and balloons.
Max was really into a cake this year. When he goes big one (sorry TMI) he sits on the toilet a while and always asks me to show him his cake. So I went on pinterest and found some and he helped design his own cake. We incorporated 5 superheros! Spiderman was on the cake server, batman, superman, Captain America and hulk is hiding.
I made those city buildings out of recycled goods (cereal boxes, milk containers), colored wrapping paper and electrical tape. I printed out some photos of Max being a superhero and framed them on the table. Cookies were also there in case I didn't have enough cake.
I'm glad I took pictures before everyone got there, because I can't tell you how many times little ones stuck their fingers in the cake! Max included.
She made some fun capes to go down the side and then I had her put the Hulk fist coming out. I love it.
Instead of formal favors I just did some fun paper masks and bracelets with words like pow, and bam on them. Since time is limited in the party room, we preset up all the kids plates and juice boxes.

We got lots of pizza and to balance it, we made a fruit salad!

We invited Max's whole preschool class (12 kids) since the place allowed up to 16 kids at one price and then it was only $5 more after that per kid. Well, oops the whole class came minus 2 or 3 kids I think. Max is either a popular boy or they really like gymnastics. His little buddies started arriving and it's so fun to watch them all interact. They really like each other.

Baby sister arrived in her adorable outfit to hang out with everyone.
While we were waiting for everyone to arrive they warmed up.
Max is usually very shy and hangs on me at birthday parties. I was nervous he wouldn't want to participate in his own party. Well the teacher asked him to come demonstrate all the obstacles and he ran right up all by himself.
I know I'm the mom and biased but Max had some skill for never using this stuff before.

He loved the jumping on the tumble track, trampolines and the foam pit the best. I'll just mostly show you pictures of Max, if you want to see all the other folks, its up on my facebook page.
Miss Hadley loved playing around too. She was just a bit too young to listen and follow directions.
She's a natural also :)
Then it was time to split into groups to do some stations.
Max loves Sophie and they had fun playing in the pit together.
I was impressed he wanted to sit and swing on the rope.
She even let go!
What a strong boy holding on by himself.
In he goes to the foam pit!
Happy Boy.
Hadley loved every part of this also.

This is one of my favorite pics. So funny.

All the kids loved being in there. At one point it was hard to tell how many were there.
There was a lot of bending over to find them and lift them out.

After the stations the kids got to bounce around on jumpy balls. They let the bigger kids stay on the trampolines. Max is about to take a spill here.
Back in business!
Poor Michelle got more of a workout than anyone chasing and helping Hadley the whole time.
We had a few special guests arrive at the party.
David's nephew Austin (Superman) and his buddy (Spiderman) did a great job. SPiderman had a web shooter with silly string on it. It was a big hit. Max was terrified of them as usual, but we had a lot of kids want to take pictures.
Hadley only wanted to with her mommy, but I couldn't get Max near them so it was impressive.
They kept in character very well for no bribing. I guess we will have to owe them something.

I wish I would have tried to get a group shot, but it was too much chaos. We ended up with 23 kids (well they counted me at 23 I think it was 26 including some siblings) plus parents.

Max was very interested in the candles and cake this time. He even ate a little piece!
Told you there was a lot of people there. Go big or go home. We enjoy hosting people even if it's at somewhere else. We had plenty of food and drinks for all the adults also. It was a whirlwind of a 1.5-2 hour party.
I forgot to get a family shot at the party so I had my sister take one before bed. David's going to be mad I didn't crop the pic as I said I would, but oh well. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAX! I'll do a 3 year update post a little later. He goes to the doctor on Monday.


  1. So great!! Put these pics on Pinterest!

  2. What an awesome party! I cannot believe Max is 3!! Love all your decorations, adorable cake and what a great spot to have it to host all those busy kiddos! Fun fun!

  3. This is amazing! That cake! The decorations! And I love the idea of doing a birthday at a gym so the little ones can run around and burn off all that energy! You guys pretty much rock at being parents!
