
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Sauce-A-palooza 2015

Back in July (I think) we decided to do a little tomato canning! It is a lot of work and cost, but worth it. 
Michelle starting us out by putting sugar and salt into the jars.  I couldn't find a lot of regular mouth lids so I had to get some wide mouth. Note to self-we prefer regular mouth so order online ahead of time. 
If you know Karen, then you know she does NOT like tomatoes at ALL. She was nice enough to come hang out with the kids for a bit though!
I helped mom wash, cut and squeeze the tomatoes. 
Vannah White pose. 

Max helped David grind up the tomatoes into juice/sauce. 

Look how tiny Coco was! 
We got 2 boxes of tomatoes. I believe they were 25lb boxes. Next time we need at least 3 boxes so 75lbs. They were $1/LB. We got them at a farmers market place close to where Karen lives. 50lbs only yeiled about 22 jars and we had some casualties in boiling them tight. We did make great use of the 2nd basement kitchen!


  1. Awesomesauce!! <-- See what I did there? :) Hahaha! Love this! My parents still do tons of canning from their garden too and I love having fresh tomato sauce all year round!

  2. looks like a full day of canning but I am sure you will love your sauce all year.

  3. Such a bummer our attempt didn't work due to the lids not being sealed enough apparently. We'll have to pop open a few Xmas week!
