
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Top Three Trip Thursday!

This week our Top Three Thursday post is about trips we'd like to take. Let's get right started:

1.) Australia! I really want to go explore Sydney, Melbourne, Great Barrier Reef, the Outback, and much more.
  2.) Italy/Europe- I have always wanted to go there and see all the scenic sites that there is to offer. There is too many to list, but Florence, Rome, Tuscany, etc..
3.) California- Sonoma Valley Wine Country. To keep things maybe a little more practical, I've always wanted to go to the west coast. I have only been as far west as Texas. I want to see all the vineyards and go to all the wineries out that way. 
What are your Top Three Trip destinations? If you have been to any of these destinations and can provide tips and great places to go, just let me know!


  1. Love them! We're going to have to compare our pictures from Italy!!

  2. Great choices!!

    Mine are... well, as of right now... they change often...

    1. Cruise in Europe- Must include Italy and Greece

    2. Colorado

    3. The whole West Coast...from Vancouver to end of California.
