
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Valentine's Day Fortune Cookies

I decided to make David fortune cookies for Valentine's Day. I kind of had a feeling this was going to be a challenge, but wanted to try anyway. The recipe comes from Our Best Bites blog and if you don't have patience then you should not attempt these. There are too many steps for me to try to explain so head on over to their blog to get the recipe. This one below is the first one that actually came out looking like a fortune cookie.
There are some good... and some bad! These ones I think I over cooked and they don't really resemble a fortune cookie, but they did taste good so I left these in the batch.

My Final Product! I covered some in chocolate and put red sprinkles on it for extra credit :) Sorry for the distracting plate.

I put them in this cute XOXO bag from Kroger.
These are my pretty roses from David. I love roses and all the layers that makes up each rose (I know I'm lame)
Hope you all had a great Valentine's day with people you cared about, let me know if you try these and how yours turned out. I'm curious to see if it was as challenging for other people. By the way, I ended up using just the baking sheet with PAM and no parchment paper. My dough stuck to the paper even though I put PAM on it.

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