
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Puff Pastry & Elephant Ears

We've been wanting to make our own puff pastry dough for a while now. We found a random recipe online, tried it,  and it didn't work out. When I saw that my friend, Jen went to pastry school and made some I got really excited. Click here for a link to her blog. She has the recipe and directions on there. It does take a little time, but its every so often so you don't have to be in the kitchen the whole time, just around your house.
We made our version of Elephant ears. We cut our dough in smaller sections so they were easier to work with, that's why ours are a little smaller.
Mmmm. They were so yummy.
Look how puffy they are!


  1. Those were so good! We should make some tonight for your work friends.

  2. Awesome job! They look scrumptious. Another thing my teacher did was make the dough the same but she sprinkled it with parm cheese in a can instead of sugar and threw a little parsley on top and baked them. These were great with soup or any Italian meal. This dough is so versatile!

  3. Forgot to metion to brush with an eggwash instead of corn syrup if you use parm.

  4. YUMM!!! YES YOU SHOULD DAVID!!!!!!! :)

  5. ummmm I agree David!! Those look delicious!!
