
Monday, March 22, 2010

Sushi Night!

On Friday night we decided to stay in and make our own sushi. It's so fun and not that hard, it is a little time consuming, but provides fun entertainment at the same time. We had Amber and Preston over to join in the festivities. I don't like anything about raw fish so I like to say that I'm a Vegan Sushi eater, but I also like to add teriyaki chicken. Don't criticize me, I can do whatever I want, it's homemade. We used cucumber, avocados and chicken. David also brought us home some sake! You can't eat sushi without warm sake.
The most important ingredients you need are sticky rice, seaweed sheets, bamboo rolling mat covered in plastic wrap, sharp knife, wooden spoon and soy sauce. We got the rice at the H-mart or something similar. We cooked it the day before and put it in the refrigerator, it has to be cool to use. I like to make inside out rolls (the rice is on the outside of the roll). You spread your rice across the non-shiny side in a thin layer with your wooden spoon, then you flip it over. Add your toppings in a thin strip. Now you are ready to roll.
You want to make a tight roll to keep everything inside. Keep lifting up the mat and plastic wrap as you go.
Once you are finished, you want to get a sharp knife and a cup of water. You want to keep the knife wet so that nothing from your sushi roll sticks to it. Every couple of slices you can dip it in the water.
Look at Amber, she looks like a pro! She was making sure her roll was tight and together. She made a regular roll. All you have to do differently is spread your rice only 3/4 of the way down, add your toppings and start rolling. The last 1/4 you didn't put anything on you can put a thin layer of water on to seal your wrap up.
Final Products!
And then there was none... I did finish those up the next day though. Make sure you dip in soy sauce after, it tastes so good or add some wasabi if you like that kind of thing.

Molly and Audrina were BFF's. So cute.
Group Photo! We had a great time. Can't wait to do it again. We are available for parties, just inquire within.

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