
Friday, May 7, 2010

Cinco De Mayo Work Celebration!

We had a Cinco De Mayo Celebration at work Wednesday and I wanted to show you how creative everyone is that I work with. This was also our 2nd annual Chili Cook-off. It was very secretive. Each person who entered the contest (at least 1 person per team) had a number attached to their pot and you got 3 poker chips to vote for your favorites. I unfortunately, did not place. I still love the recipe and saved some for us to eat at home! The ones that won were very spicy, but good.
Here are the tables with the chili's. There were 9 total to choose from.
 These were our drink straws that we put in homemade yummy punch! Here is the punch recipe which I was told this recipe comes straight from the kitchen of Fob James (former Governor of Alabama)
1 large can pineapple juice
1 large can pink lemonade concentrate
1 large bottle ginger ale
1 tablespoon almond extract 
Before our Mexican Fiesta we got to sample all the chili. We used these pallets as our table. This is me and Lacey sampling and lining up all of our choices.
We had lunch catered from Willys! It was so good!
Not only did we have food, we had festivities. There was a pinata (It went down in 1 hit so no picture).
Here are some lovely ladies from the Product and Sales department holding up their little favors (maraca key chains).
We also had a photo booth set up. Leah was our photographer (well not for this particular photo, because she is in it).
And then there was Limbo!! These blow up cacti and stick were pretty neat. We did have to have holders as they wanted to flop around.
Look at Lacey go!
Here is Miss. Flexible back Leah who got 2nd place! It did ruin her "I've never lost a limbo contest" streak, but she did get 1st among all the girls (and we are mostly girls).
One of the warehouse guys won 1st. He went about 2 notches lower than everyone else. Check out this move! We had such a fun time and love doing these fun events at work. We do also do actual work here in case everyone is wondering, contrary to popular belief!

1 comment:

  1. Your chili was amazing, I still want that recipe!!

    Fun fun times :)
