
Friday, May 7, 2010

Happy Mother's Day Mom!!!

Since I can't be at home with my Mom on Mother's Day, I wanted to dedicate a post to her. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to the best mom in the world!! She is so fun, caring, and would do anything for each one of us. Can't wait to see you next month. I will leave you with a photo of my mom with each of her children, starting with her favorite :) Just Kidding siblings... kinda (right mom?).
Me and Mom
Michelle and Mom
 I finally found a photo of my brother and my mom, well kinda (sorry Marla, had to crop you for this purpose). So either my theory of favorite children are correct or they need to take more photos together. I'll go with the first part. Just to illustrate my point, I'll show you another great photo I found of mom and me.
I love this photo of you mom! I don't remember seeing it at all. In conclusion- WE LOVE YOU LOTS!!! Have a great Mother's Day. 
Love, Jen, Michelle & Chris.

1 comment:

  1. Are you trying to make me cry - I love you all too - more!
