
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Garden Update #3

First and foremost, Happy Cinco De Mayo!! We are having a nice celebration at work with a chili contest (I was nominated to make one) and a Mexican feast for lunch. The winning chili gets a $50 gift card! I got my recipe from Darrin and Stacey. We are also having mexican and margaritas for dinner! Ole!

It's time for another Square foot garden update! This is a picture of the whole garden. There doesn't seem to be much happening, but if you look from update #2 you can tell a difference. It must be because I see it every day and stare at it.
I also thinned out the plants so there is only one per hole. Our next step is to get the cages or trellis to support our vine plants (tomatoes, cucumbers etc..) Check out this great blog post I found about supporting your vertical plants.
Here is a photo of  the tomatoes growing a little better. The Zucchini and Yellow squash are in the background.
This photo I thought was cool of the lettuce (minus the nice shadow I created).
The onions are growing away! They have all really sprouted since the last update. I really want actual vegetables to start coming up now, but I have to be patient. It's only the beginning of May. I have at least another month or month in a half till I see some good results. We did just have a HUGE rain monsoon event here yesterday and the garden is okay, but there is lots of dirt on the actual plants and on the wood. So cross your fingers, I think some of my roses were too heavy and toppled over.

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