
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Using Etsy for Your Exact Project Needs

So I recently discovered on Etsy that you can submit a request for a certain project and Etsy store owners can look at what you requested and decide if they want to bid on the job.  A few months ago I found this chalk board at Goodwill and have been wanting to turn it into a menu board.
My inspiration for it was this one above (I wish it were mine). You login to your account and go to Alchemy tab. This is where you can set up your request for a project and even put an image for an example. I received 9 bids for vinyl letters for days of the week and the header. I put my ideal price and deadline. People have been submitting mock ups of fonts and layouts for me, for free! All of their work only for $10. People are really passionate about fonts or they are desperate for $10.
My front runner is Signs by Scott, he is awesome. We have been talking via etsy for a few days now and he must love what he does. Here is a quote from one of his emails: "This is YOUR project not mine.  I am only here to help you get something YOU want...not someting you have to settle for. If I am not able to make what YOU want, then neither one of US is going to be happy.  It is not important to me that we make several reworks...this is part of my job and I am here to make YOU COMPLETELY SATISFIED!!" I realize this is a bit crazy on his part, but he does good work and is super nice.
I am going with the bottom Buon Appetito and he is adding flourishes and underlining similar to my picture. I'll keep you posted on the final product and when mine is all complete!


  1. That is so cool Jen! I didn't know Etsy could do that! Thanks for sharing! Can't wait to see how it turns out!

  2. Cute! What a great idea! Now I know if I want something made where to go!

  3. I had no idea you could do that! I'm going to try it for sure!

  4. Love the chalk board...I like the third embollished letters.
