
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Chili Cook-Off Results are In

Last week for Cinco de Mayo we had our annual chili cook off at work. Last year I made chili and didn't fare so well, but was nominated by default to make it again this year (that's what a good team leader does.)
The voting system was the same, you take 4 poker chips and put it in the bowl by the chili you like the best. You can put all your chips in one bowl, or spread them out.
This year we had 8 chilis.
Lacey made some awesome corn bread
We also had wings brought in (not sure how that is Cinco de mayo related, but chili isn't either.)
We wanted to try them all together so we made a clock wise pattern of the chili so it was easy to remember what one went with what number.
We enjoyed eating all the yummy food. Brooke, me Christina (who is pregnant and 22 weeks, but you can't tell at all), and Lee Anne.
The competition was really tough this year, everyone did a great job.
Keisha, Lacey and Andrea
Here we are posing by our chili, oh wait, I am the only one that made one. We are all on the same team and I represented.
The results were close and I was nervous. I spent a good bit of money and time preparing it so I was ready to be recognized this year. I got 2ND PLACE!!! Wohooo. I was excited, although you only got a $ prize if you got first (who made those rules up anyway.) I think I will keep the recipe a secret so I can claim it as my own. It came from a blog I read and I already thanked that person. 1st place went to Michael in customer service and 3rd place went to Kevin in IT. I had to break up the boys, we don't have that many, but the ones we do have can cook apparently.


  1. for some reason, guys can cook chili.... fyi you should have won..... and I think it was my last add in ingredient that did it. CONGRATS THOUGH!all that food looks fantastic (I'm starving)

  2. Yeahhh for 2nd place!! The clockwise pattern was smart-- I think last year we were all confused which sample was who's. And I must say that those numbers next to the chili are beautiful. Did Lacey make those?? Hahahahaha :)
