
Monday, May 9, 2011

Skinny Girl Margaritas & a Fun Friend Friday Night

I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day. I wanted to wish my mom, Ginny,  a Happy Mother's Day. Miss you mom and wish you could be closer!! Happy Mothers Day to David's mom, Cora. We had a fun day celebrating yesterday. You both are the BEST moms EVER, Thanks for everything!
Friday night we had David and Dana over for dinner and she brought over one of my favorite drinks. The Skinny Girl Margarita.
For those who aren't familiar, it was created by Bethenny Frankel, former real housewife of NYC, she also has a spin off show called Bethenney gets married and so on. She is hilarious and entertaining to watch.
 This is what she says about her drink, “Everyone loves margaritas, but no one wants the guilt or the calories. That’s why I created the Skinnygirl™ Margarita. At only 100 calories for a full 4 oz. serving, all natural ingredients, no preservatives or artificial colors, lightly sweetened with agave nectar and made with premium Blue Agave clear Tequila, Skinnygirl™ is the margarita you can trust.” She's supposedly coming out with a few other skinny girl drinks (I heard rumor of sangria and cosmo.)
 Back to the gathering, I really wanted to get my armoire upstairs since I painted it last weekend. The boys thought they could do it just themselves and I honestly didn't know how heavy it was. This is the aftermath of some of the slight damage that occured during transport. I couldn't watch as they brought it upstairs. The grunting noises they made was enough for me to understand what was going on.
 Thankfully they got it up in 1 piece with a few minor dings. You can see some of the white that brushed off onto the armoire, nothing a bit of paint can't fix.
 THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH for bringing that all the way upstairs, I know it was NOT easy, I really don't know how you did it. It is massive and I am actually having a hard time figuring out where to put it in our room (and I thought our room was pretty big.) It's definitely staying upstairs though and will probably be sold with the house whenever we sell it because its WAY too heavy to ever come back down.
And if that wasn't enough physical activity for them, they decided to have a push-up contest. I'm going to say it was a tie.
I also got in on the action, but just competed solo. Check out those muscles.
 We ended the night with a fire pit fire, sorry about your closed eyes David, I normally only have to check my David's eyes to make sure he kept them open. I wish I would have had smores stuff, that's normally my rule, I don't do fires without smores because I can't stand when my clothes and hair reek of it. Yes, I realize the fire is massive, he was burning the wood from the old wagon garden and didn't cut it down (good thing we had a firefighter with us.)
 Molly also enjoyed some cuddle time with her daddy. Lola was over and was on other David's lap, but my camera didn't like the dark and wouldn't take a photo. Hope everyone had a great weekend.

1 comment:

  1. couple things.... VERY funny blog :) 1. check out those muscles!!
    2. haha good thing you did have a firefighter present
    3. molllllllly
    3. bring on the sangria
