
Monday, August 15, 2011

Dr. Appt Update and Weekend Randoms

We had a GREAT doctors appointment on Friday. We met with the ultrasound technician first and her name was Shannon. I wanted to record that here so I wouldn't forget. She's only there on fridays and we really liked her. She was so nice and excited to see our little one. We were so surprised at how active the baby was. He/She was thrashing around and opening and closing its mouth. It even looked like he/she was sucking it's thumb. I have a few pictures, but the video is much more exciting. She also told us that everything looks good for the nuchal screening test. That our odds were low for down syndrome with the measurement of the fold behind the neck. I did a blood test also so we'll get the official results in 7-10 days.Update- I just got a call from the doctor office and they said that the results of the nuchal screening tests came back normal! Yay!

After we had the ultrasound we met with the planning coordinator who talked to us about the practice and our options for Doctor delivery vs. midwife. She also went over upcoming appointment schedules, testings and answered any questions we had. The basic difference in our OBGYN office is that Doctors are basically there just for the birth (in her words she said "to catch the baby"). Midwives are there through the whole labor process and take more time with you in appointments to explain and answer questions. They do also deliver the baby unless there are complications or a C-section. They will then call the on-call doctor from our practice and they will also come. After talking with the coordinator we met with, Jennifer, a midwife who did an exam and we really liked her too. She was very personable and apologized a ton for being late even though we really only waited 10 mins which is nothing in doctor worlds. We decided that the midwife option better suited us as we haven't' had great luck with the doctors so far. We go back at 16 weeks for a heartbeat check and then 20 weeks for the gender ultrasound. Get ready everyone, we will be having a gender reveal party probably the beg. of October!

Weekend Randoms-
 David said he had a surprise for me thursday night and when I got home, the new carpet had been installed! They had a cancellation that morning and they literally came over within 30 mins to install it. Thankfully Davids parents came over to meet them. I LOVE it and I have spent most of my time sitting on the carpets all weekend.
Molly loves it. We were sitting together.
I am still not feeling great and this is what I am doing most of my weekends. Luckily David is taking his online class so I can get away with it.  I found a great use for my body pillow. It propped me up and my computer. I was busy looking up nursery inspiration and master bedroom remodeling inspiration.
David was also so sweet and packed me an emergency car snack pack kit. I was stuck in traffic last week and mentioned to him that I would be in serious trouble if I was really stuck for a while because I was starving! It is filled with small bottled waters, pretzels, these cute poptart minis and mentos candy. He is the best.


  1. that car kit is too cute, so sweet of him to do that! hope you start feeling better soonl

  2. You may have already seen this website, but is a great place for tons of nursery inspiration. Best of luck!!!! This is such an exciting time!

  3. Haha...nice cooler...Glad everything is positive, except for the morning sickness!
