
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Nursery Room Brainstorm

We have cleared out the guestroom/workout room to make way for a nursery. We actually had to for the carpet anyway so that's why it happened so fast. I wanted to show you the blank canvas of a room since I've already started looking at nursery designs.
It is a standard 100ish sq feet room that has a 2-3 foot walkway in to the square box room. I am loving the new carpet still.
Molly is demonstrating how deep the closet goes back in.
I have a few baby items saved up that I found good deals on. The first is a bumbo seat I got at our work "fire sale" we had a while back.
The second is this lovely seat I found at good will for $10-$15 a while ago. It is adorable, neutral colored and has battery operated vibration, sound and swinging.
I loved it once I saw it and had to have it.
Look at the little caterpillar and snail. So sweet. I should have put the Dutailier rocking chair in the room that David's sister Gina gave to us. I love reading and rocking in the chair already (yes, I do that, so what). It has a floral print on the cushions, but once we find out our color scheme, they sell replacement cushions so we can customize it to fit with our style.
So as you can see we have 3 walls to work with. The wall you can't see in this photo is the closet. You can also see the lovely window we have and the ceiling fan. We need to take down the TV, too. I was busy this weekend researching girl and boy nurseries that I liked. I know I have a while, but as soon as we find out the gender, we will be ready to go. That's just how I roll.
This is one of my favorite color pallets for a girl. I love the shade of pink with the warmness of the oatmeal colored wall and chair. Take a look at my other ideas from Pinterest. Haha I just now noticed there was a TINY baby on the storage thingy. Wow.
 I really loved what they did with this closet. I am def. painting the closet walls and adding in shelving like this. I just haven't decided if we should remove the doors or if it can still look this nice and we can use the doors, too.
 For a boy I am loving the blue/aqua, green colors shown above mixed with a little yellow and white. Check out the rest of my boy inspiration here.
So cute, can't wait to start feeling better and to find out what we're having.


  1. Love your inspiration photos! I can't wait to find out what you're having!

  2. haha...Loved the comment about the rocking chair and that was crazy about the baby in the pic, didn't even notice! Based on the ultrasound my initial thought was boy for no particular reason, but will see!!

  3. Love both of the inspiration pics! Your whole house is beautiful so I bet the nursery will be perfect! My best advice is to pick something that will grow with them. Unless you like to change everything every few years...

  4. haha I didn't notice that baby either!! I like all your pics and really like the aqua color... and not to be rude... I've seen your closets.... keep the doors on :)

  5. we have that same swing with different colors/animals! ben is not a fan, but ethan loved that thing!

    love your inspirations!

  6. I have not been blogging or reading so I am way behind on your big news! COngratulations! I am going to go back and catch up on your posts! YAY!!

  7. I love all of your inspiration pics! My advice on the closet doors - keep them on. You'll be glad you did once the little one starts exploring. I can't wait to find out what you're having!
