
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Hospital Randoms

I found some more photos from the hospital that I thought I'd share. 
Here is the happy daddy in his shirt that he was making right before my water broke. 
Sweet boy always opening his mouth
For someone who never held a baby he sure got a lot of practice at the hospital. It was so cute to watch. 
This is David changing his first diaper. He was making that face on purpose for the camera, but it's still funny.
Real action shot. 
A photo of our family of 3. We just love our little Max. 
We decided to get up and walk around our floor one afternoon. 
Here we are looking a bit rough, but it was nice to get out. There was never anyone around, it was so quiet even though there must have been a ton of screaming babies everywhere. I really can't say enough about how much we liked our stay at Northside Hospital.
Time to head home. 
David taking precautions in loading max into the car.
Of course I sat in the back like a paranoid first time mother. He did great in the car and still does. 
A lot of people have asked me how Molly has been with Max and she's done really well. She was very curious when we brought him home and really just wanted to sniff and lick him all over. Max already looks so big compared to this photo!
She's been really sweet and just goes up to him in the swing to check him out and comes to hang out in the nursery with us when he does activity mat play. Don't get me wrong, she still steals his toys and wabbua nub on occasion, but she's a great big sister.


  1. You captured so many great memories at the hospital! So sweet! And I'm glad Molly loves little Max too!

  2. adorable pictures!

    so sweet, that's exciting to hear how well Molly is doing with Max - I'm nervous about Ollie, he's such a sweet dog but doesn't realize his weight/size.

  3. You still sit in the back! And you'd live in that hospital if you could! :)

  4. Aww! So this is the start of all the Max stories! I’ve read in one of your post that you are very happy with your pediatrician. We have one too and my kids love her so much. They are comfortable around her, and it’s very easy to get them to take their meds when they’re sick because of our friendly pediatrician.
