
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Max's Newborn Photos

We had newborn photos taken when Max was 9 days old. He was a very fussy baby and was crying a majority of the time and did not want to be consoled. He is used to being swaddled while sleeping so we had trouble getting him naked and keeping him sleeping. All in all we got some good photos, I just wish we would have some more of his pretty little face and tiny little body. We are going to try to do some more ourselves when my sister gets into town. 

Sweet Daddy and baby boy
Love his hair
Tiny baby feet. We had to squeeze his feet together with ours because he was screaming so bad lol. The things you can't tell from photos. 
Cute photo, but that diaper has to go
Little baby bottom 
Love this sweet little boy
My little owl. Can't really see the owl hat, but he is still adorable

Can't forget this baby. We tried to get a photo of Molly and Max and that was a no go. 
Thanks to Ashley for letting us borrow this adorable outfit someone made for Kinsley. 
I think this is my favorite photo
He just loves his hands
And his feet. Those are his feet his is trying to eat. 
Auntie Michelle
I love this shot of the nursery. 
Love our little family


  1. Such cute photos! They turned out adorable even though he was fussy!

  2. These are all great! I especially love the ones in the cocoon and the owl hat. His little expressions are so sweet!

  3. AMAZING pictures! they turned out great, Max is such a cutie! :)

  4. You got some really cute photos even if he was upset. He is so adorable!

  5. those are beyond adorable. makes me want a newborn again. hehe :) He's so prefect, can't believe how perfect his skin is!

  6. You would have never known he was as fussy as you say. He looks so handsome already and you are looking stunning as well. Enjoy these "firsts" with your little boy!

  7. Let me tell ya... If I hadn't had been there, I wouldn't believe you either. It was tough but I love them all.... Ps where's the behind the scenes shot of me with the hair dryer haha

  8. OH MY GOODNESS! So adorable!!
