
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

1st Birthday Smash Cake Photo Session

On Friday before Max's birthday party I took off work to get ready for the party and I knew I wanted to do a smash cake photo session.  I was supposed to have them professionally done, but she canceled last minute so we had to improvise.  Running short for time I just went to Kroger and got a cake.  I added more sprinkles for color and set up a back drop out of blue fabric.  I only got 2 yards and didn't accommodate for the width I wanted so I had to use a colorful blanket that he is sitting on.  I wanted to add balloons to the background, but then I would have needed more fabric lengthwise so I opted to not do that.
Big thanks to my mom and Aunt Kathy (and Kinsley for staying asleep) for helping because it was definitely more than 1 person job.  I thought he might be hesitant, but I didn't think he would get upset (which he did).  He wanted to crawl away and not touch the cake.  The pictures came out cute anyway and we did have to put him in his highchair seat to keep him there.  He looks so cute in his little jeans though with that long hair. 
Mama, I don't want this yucky stuff on my fingers
Mmm cake... oh wait, you didn't see the cheerios my great Aunt bribed me with in the cake.  You might not have noticed them, but it's true, we couldn't get him to eat any of the cake so we buried cheerios inside and it worked!  Just pretend in the rest of the photos that he really did like the cake.

Ooooh I might like cake after all!
He started getting really excited, you can see his feet moving. 

OK Mom, are we done yet?
Seriously, I think I'm done.
Oooh Mooooooom.
Maybe a few more shots are ok.

Waitin' on you Mom... Anytime.
My precious boy.  Thanks for letting Mommy take a ton of photos of you!


  1. Oh my gosh....this is too funny! I can't believe he wanted cheeios over yummy cake! Such a cutie pie.

  2. He's searching carefully for those Cheerios cute boy!

  3. These pictures are GREAT! The cheerio idea is genius! Yeah, Phoebe was not a fan of her cake...
