
Monday, February 18, 2013

Sweet Cousins Holding Hands

We had a great weekend with family and at Max's 1st birthday celebration.  I am getting the photos ready from the smash cake session and his party to share soon, but until then I wanted to show you some photos of my sweet niece, Hadley.
She was so smiley and kept making the cutest cooing noises all weekend. 
Max started getting a little jealous whenever I'd pay more attention to her so he wanted to come over to play with her on her play mat.  He layed right down and grabbed her hand to hold.  Isn't this the cutest thing ever?!
He would swing their hands up and down and was being really sweet (the other times he wanted to play rough and eat her so we had to watch him good).  I'll be back this week with all the other fun photos I can finally share about Max's party details.


  1. I love baby cousins! My husband's cousin who is also one of my close friends had a little boy three weeks after us! It's the best. We also live in the same town so the boys will be in the same school..cousins are your first best friends :)

  2. They were so cute! Loved the cheese face too, will have to get the pictures/video I took together for a post as well. Thanks for having us, love the little kiddos. :o)
