
Monday, February 11, 2013

Weekend Wrapup

Max got a birthday present in the mail from my cousin, Nancy and her grand daughter Delilah. 
We let him open it on his birthday since his party isn't for another week.  
He did a great job opening the card and setting the little bits of paper off to the side. 
He got some socks which he was very interested in! 
And also some flash cards and an alphabet book.  Thank you Nancy!!  Max kept saying "ooooh Ooooh" while opening all the gifts.  It was very cute. 
Mommy and Daddy got Max an iPod Touch (we sold one of our old iPhones and a 3D thingy you look through once you put your iPod in and you can play games.  He's too young for this, but we had fun playing.
We had a great time at the Blue Jean Ball Saturday night.  It was a fundraiser event for the cluster schools that Max will be going to one day.
I'll hopefully get a few more pictures of decor stuff to show you once I see what the photographer took.  I took this while we were helping set up.  They had hanging little mirrors dangling from the ceiling that we spun so when the light hit them it would sparkle more.  Look how cute the "skirt" is on the stage of all the jeans.  It was at Lake Lanier Islands Resort.  Very cool place.  It was also my first night away from the baby!  So thankful my Mom is there to watch Max.

Other Randoms-
-Huge Bummer... Our smash cake photographer canceled on us 2 days before our shoot (it was suppose to be Sunday).  Her family is really sick she said so I am super bummed.  I think we're going to try to do it ourselves Friday before his party Saturday  I really wanted to get his first reactions to cake.
-Max caught a bit of a cold/fever this weekend.  Thankfully it is short lived and he is feeling much better after some Tylenol and a good nights rest.
-This week is full on birthday party prep and cleaning house.  We have my Aunt Kathy coming in on Thursday and then Chris, Marla, James, Michelle and Hadley Friday.


  1. wohoooo party on!! great recap!

    ohhhh ohhhh he was so cute!

  2. I am sure you can get some great smash cake pics yourselves. Just set up a background and put Max on the floor with a cake and go for it!! :)

  3. SMASH cake! MAX SMASH :p Sounds like fun, looking forward to the weekend!

  4. definitely don't miss the smash cake for sure, it will be a great memory for you two. it is a bummer the photographer's family is so sick
