
Friday, February 8, 2013

Happy Birthday Max!!

Dear Max,
 As I am writing this I am remembering back to a year ago when you were born.  On February 9th, 2012 Gigi, Auntie Stacey and Cousin Ashley went with me to get a pedicure, then we went to lunch  and grabbed some last minute items at the store.  We then had dinner with Grandma and Grandpa W and did a last minute Walmart run.  Once I got home I showered up as your Dad and Gigi were making t-shirts to wear for your arrival day the next morning via a scheduled c-section. I kept telling them that they were adding last minute nonsense and this wasn't necessary, but they insisted.  You must have been so excited about all the fuss everyone was making of you that day as my water broke around 8:30 PM (I really can't thank you enough for letting me shower and do my hair).
 We rushed around to get to the hospital as you were breech and couldn't come out the normal way so there was no need to wait anything out at home.  They're concern was me not dilating too fast so the labor process wouldn't begin.  One of our favorite Doctors was on call and she said let's do this instead of waiting till the morning. I was a little concerned since I literally had been stuffing my face all day and night, but they assured me it would be fine. Everything happened so quickly and the epidural was inserted and we were wheeled off to the operating room in no time.  Things were going so fast they asked if we wanted you to be born on the 9th or the 10th and we said we'd let you pick and run the show. And you sure have ever since! You were born at 11:59 PM on the 9th of February.
This year has been a whirlwind of experiencing new things.  We learned what a fussy baby was, what a happy giggly baby was and how to wrap a darn good swaddle.
 I also think Mr. Swing was your best friend for the first 6 months.  I did a recap of the past year for New Years if you want to see in detail what went on this past year.
I love looking back at some of the video we took of you for your first bath and your first giggles.  Boy, did you cry a lot.  I wouldn't change a thing although I like it better when you aren't screaming.  You always had a great smile and laugh that continues today.  You are such a happy boy.
  Daddy and I love to watch you play and learn new things.  You are so smart learning how to stack legos and toys and get confidence to walk on your own.  You also LOVE to dance.  You'll start bouncing and wiggling when you hear any music.
Your actual birthday is tomorrow, but we aren't celebrating till the 16th so it will be a week long birthday celebration for you, Buddy.  We can't wait for all your family and friends to come celebrate your 1st birthday.  You have brought so much joy to our whole family.  We love you!


  1. Happy Early Birthday Buddo! We'll be bringing your gifts with us, so you'll have to wait a bit but can't wait to see you and your cousin Hadley as well! :o)

  2. Awww happy birthday Mr. Max!!! And congrats to mommy and daddy making it to one whole year!

  3. Happy birthday buddo, sweet letter

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAX!!! It has been an amazing year and you have learned so much. You have showed us also who is the BOSS!

  5. Yay for Birthday weeks! Happy Birthday little one may there be lots of cuddles toys and love in the year ahead x

  6. Oh, this just made me cry. So wonderful. I can't believe how quickly the first year goes by. And yes, crying babies are so hard but they really make you appreciate when they're happy! We learned that the hard way too! Happy birthday little Max!
