
Monday, April 29, 2013

Cousins Are So Much Fun!

Max has a cousin here, I have a cousin here, there are cousins all around!  We had a great weekend hanging out with Christie and Adam. They are thinking of moving from NC to our area and we are excited!  We toured them around a few areas and found some promising places they will look into. Max got 3 new pair of shoes and an ADORABLE outfit to wear to Jen's baby shower next weekend.  The adults don't have anything to wear, but as long as the kids are cute that's all that matters right?
All the cousins.  You can't tell that the kids don't have pants on so now that I told you you're in the know.
I love my little Hadley.  Max saw us hanging out with Hadley and wanted to come over for a picture.  I joked that this is what it looks like to have your baby look like you because Hadley has dark hair and eyes. She's such a good girl, always happy and willing to just hang out.  When she's tired though watch out, she'll scream!
Max was being so sweet all weekend and we'd just say to him "go give Hadley a kiss" and he would gently go over and kiss her.
Sweet Girl. 


  1. Cousins really are the best. So glad you've been able to see your sister so much and let Max & Hadley play together!

  2. Everyone's just so cute and so much fun!!
